Virtual Events/Courses

Management Development Courses


Organisational Management

Overview: In this practical approach to organisational management, we demonstrate how you can take stock of your organisational management style, where your business is at and identify areas in which you can improve on using some of our tools and techniques shared during the webinar.

Duration: 3 Hours | Enquire Here

How to delegate work to your team?

Overview: Are you taking on too much yourself and not delegating to your team effectively, if so this is the course for you to teach you the art of delegation to the right person in your organisation to ensure you hand over the job to the right person with confidence.

Duration: 3 Hours | Enquire Here


Managing Conflict in the Workplace

Overview: There are lots of ways to manage conflict in the workplace and we believe the best way is to manage it long before it becomes a problem. In this webinar, we suggest some simple tools and techniques you can implement in your organisation to ensure your workplace is a happy and harmonious one.

Duration: 3 Hours | Enquire Here

Applying a coaching approach to Business

Overview: A coaching approach to business is the fastest-growing management style worldwide. In this informative webinar, we introduce the concept of a coaching approach to business and how you can adapt some of the basic coaching practices covered to lead your organisation into the future.

Duration: 3 Hours | Enquire Here


Improving Time Management

Overview: If you think 'I would love to do that course but I don't have the time'….MAKE IT because then you need this course more than anyone! Why not gift yourself 3 hours that will help you to be more efficient with your time and balancing your workload going forward. This course will pay you back the hours ten times over after you complete it!

Duration: 3 Hours | Enquire Here